Orthodox Christian Theology

The U.S. – Mexico wall

by Had Robinson

December 7, 2017, minor updates March 14, 2023

“The Democrats are on a Kamikaze mission.” – Larry Kudlow, author

Kamikaze missions have one purpose only:  Destroy the enemy.  The other side is that the instigator also meets his end in joyous act of self-sacrifice for some greater good.  Mr. Kudlow and some of us wonder whether the U.S. will survive?

Already today we see traditional values being blurred in many countries and that this leads to the degradation of the institution of the family, to mutual alienation in society and the depersonalization of people. – Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, in a recent public address

Blurred values?  One can only guess to what culture he must be referring….  How to turn a nation on its head, destroy its unity, and expose it to both internal and external destruction?  The Russians know a bit about this.

One of the ways to destabilize a culture is to allow immigration without ensuring that the immigrants learn the language and customs of the nation into which they are entering – and agree not to be seditious by publicly taking an oath of citizenship in the country into which they are entering.  We have upwards of 25 million people here who have not done this.  Should there be any surprise that there are problems?  The need for such a wall is but the tip of the iceberg of a much larger crisis, however.

Most do not know that prior to the 70’s, there was not the incentive for illegal immigration from south of the border.  That is, until the Supreme Court ruled that all government entities in the U.S. could not withhold services from illegal immigrants that are available to U.S. citizens.  So, people from other countries now had a huge incentive to come here illegally:  Free – housing, education, health care, food, cell phones – everything.  For some years, I watched illegal immigrants running across the freeways, the crowding of our hospital emergency rooms by illegals, especially by pregnant women who took advantage of gaping holes in the law and in our Constitution in order to have an “anchor baby” – all at public expense.  My city went from being an average American city to being a suburb of Mexico in less than 30 years.

Only people who lived on the border (as I did and still do) could see so clearly the results of a Federal Court system in the hands of Cultural Marxism (CM), a descendant of the French Enlightenment that brought, among other things, the Reign of Terror 1793-1794.

Below, the execution by guillotine of “enemies of the people” including a Christian priest.  The French Enlightenment provided the intellectual sophistry and a cover for this time of mass murder and the brutal de-Christianization of France.

French reign of terror 1793-1794

CM knows that their agenda would have taken decades (if ever) to make it past the legislatures of the States, including the Congress.  The taking over of the American law schools was a slow process but it was the key to overturning the Constitution, bypassing due process, and maintaining the separation of powers.  So-called conservative Presidents (e.g. Ronald Reagan) helped the process by appointing scoundrels to the High Court who are still tearing down our country, brick by brick.  Decades ago, concerned citizens attempted to impeach Chief Justice Earl Warren but could not overcome the already CM dominated media.

Any law CM does not like had to have 5 Justices who – for any reason – agreed to declare the law “unconstitutional”.  This technique was also used to nullify and warp amendments to the Constitution, like the X Amendment.  Anyone remember the Federal Courts requiring the forced busing of young school children around cities to “correct” inequalities?  The Supreme Court backtracked as they foresaw revolt by ordinary citizens if they continued with this monstrous overreach of raw judicial power.  “Just wait a few more years/decades, then spring the trap….”  The  Court monitors the political climate carefully and, when the majority considers the time ripe, will send another bomb into our midst.  With the full cooperation of CM dominated American news and media organizations, it became even easier.  Is this republican government or tyranny?

At its heart, CM disregards (and hates) the core principles of the Constitution and the Christian religion and it continues to sweep away – without public ratification – the foundations of orderly and peaceful civilization.  Their absolutism in all human activity demands the extermination of such notions as:

There are others but these come to mind.  It has been a bloodless revolution thus far but a revolution, nonetheless.

According to CM, everyone, everywhere is 100% equal and the same (except priests of CM) – the antithesis of the meaning of “citizen”.  However, these hypocrites exclude themselves from such lofty notions, as did the Soviet leaders of the Stalinist era.  They were the ones who were “poor” but had all of the privileges of the richest elites in the world.  You could eat the finest food, live in the finest homes, travel to the finest resorts, enjoy the best prostitutes, and not have $1 on paper or in your purse.  (Does this sound like the U.S. Congress?)  Feminist hypocrites have not said a word about the Selective Service Act.  It is convenient for them to require young men to be potential cannon fodder in the event of war but exclude themselves from this dreadful duty.  They want complete equality – mostly.

What has any of this to do with the Wall that Mr. Trump is proposing?  It is an expensive attempt to make an end-run around CM's usurpation of our Court system (that would never have been necessary in the first place).  Not all U.S. citizens are stupid or lacking in sense.  Many have watched the sellout of the Constitution by both American parties and the election of Mr. Trump (the Outsider) was a response – anything but more of the same.

I do not see any peaceful resolution of the ongoing Constitutional crisis that has been tearing down the foundations that have supported the astounding success of the U.S. among the nations of the world.  Those special features of the U.S. are not available anywhere else and have specifically resulted from the adoption of the Judeo Christian ethic long ago by a large number of the ruling elite of the U.S.  Even heathen nations that submit to the Divine Law will prosper, as the Scriptures teach.

CM will not give up its ongoing destruction of the heart of U.S. civilization without a terrible fight, as we are currently witnessing.  They worked hard for over a century to lie and deceive their way into the leadership of most public and private institutions, including the churches.  Seventy years of Soviet/Stalinist rule accomplished nothing and nearly destroyed Russia.  CM just needed more time and the sacrifice of another 60 million lives.

Most American citizens who make the country function day to day at the bottom may not be able to enumerate the details that I have made here.  However, they sense that there is a serious problem, especially with the alarming increase in government at all levels and the formation of a police state.  (Has anyone noticed the increasing number of jack-booted, SWAT geared police on street corners?  The excessive use of force on ordinary citizens?)

Government is being politicized at every level and used not so much as to assist the Citizen but to watch and control him.  Of course, if one is a sympathizer of CM he may wonder what the fuss is all about?  He will not likely have to live in the “camps” created under Obamacare or endure the terror of a national constabulary created under that act.  The crisis is similar to HIV – it takes a long time to weaken the man and is always fatal.

People of any sense know what happens to cultures that embrace moral anarchy, among other things.  The current Federal government looks more and more like that of the French Revolution.  The 100th anniversary of 1917 Russian Revolution prompted some recent remarks by those who lived through some of those times.

"There is an expulsion of God from human life, ignoring the Divine moral law. And especially devastating is the fact that ignoring the Divine moral law is clothed in the form of state law. This is a very dangerous trend. If people force the state law to try to commit a sin or to associate themselves with sin, then we will enter into some kind of apocalyptic reality," - Metropolitan Hilarion, Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church
"Our [Russia] was soaked red with the innocent blood of the first martyrs in modern history. Soon iniquity and arbitrariness in relation to the Church became commonplace. In these persecutions and sufferings for Christ a great multitude of the faithful children of the Church made manifest the greatest heroic deed of faith and courage, accepted death and the ‘crown of glory that fadeth not away’ (1 Pt 5.4). It was a time of dreadful tribulation for all of the peoples of our Fatherland. As a result, the country stood on the brink of destruction.” – General message of the Russian Orthodox Church warning her members of the dangers of Socialism and Communism, December 2, 2017.  Here is the entire message.

This early 20th century crowd of American fools and the already left-leaning American media swallowed the lies put out by the Bolsheviks.  Steinbeck’s’ Grapes of Wrath, a Leftist fantasy on how to solve society’s problems, won him the Nobel Prize.  "Blame others for everything but not your own lust, greed, sloth, and ambition" is their creed.  The poor Russians jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

Americans fooled by the lies of the Bolsheviks

Do we have to wait until the Democrats and their Republican collaborators use the overwhelming power of the State to imprison or murder those who oppose them?  Has anyone listened to the language of these people recently?  How does one counter, as the Russians who opposed Lenin and Stalin unsuccessfully did, an atmosphere of lies and deceit?  When our Constitution is largely swept away, what then?  Former university law professor and Supreme Court nominee, Robert Bork, once remarked that the U.S. has no Constitution.  In another place I asked, “When will our Armed Forces do their sworn duty and defend our Constitution from her domestic enemies?”  If the oath of the soldier has any meaning or relevance, what about this crisis?

Russian writer and poet Alexander Solzhenitsyn noted in his 1978 Harvard address that there is a problem with courage in U.S.

A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today. The Western world has lost its civic courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, in each government, in each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling and intellectual elites, causing an impression of a loss of courage by the entire society. There are many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life.

The last of his remarks is a tragedy -- and this was 1978.  If you are a small and courageous Christian baker in Colorado, you are severely punished if you ignore the moral anarchists and go privately about your business.  What’s next?  Where does it stop?  When will this tyranny be stopped? 

Below, Peter Breugel's "The Slaughter of the Innocents".  While this painting was to depict Herod's attempt to kill the Christ (Matt. 2:16-18), the details overwhelmingly point to the Roman Catholic Church's slaughter of innocent Flemish Protestant villagers by the hands of Spanish troops and German mercenaries led by the notorious Duke of Alba (the man in black at the head of the mounted soldiers).  At the very center of the painting is a German mercenary killing a child on the ground.  There is no end to demonized governments and their unlawful attacks on innocent people.  Massacres among the Dutch later led them to organize and rid their land of the Spanish and German invaders (the Eighty Years War).

The Slaughter of the Innocents by P. Breughel

CM and its spiritual comrades, the Spanish Inquisitors under Alba and his son, Don Fadrique, share much in common, especially their view of godly Christians as non-human.  After the recent massacre in Las Vegas (2017) by a madman, a CNN attorney was caught saying that the Red State people at the concert deserved being murdered.  How many others who embrace CM held their tongues?  How many would rejoice over another slaughter of their enemies?  The cruelty of CM and the Inquisitors is unlimited.

Sometime later after brief resistance, Little Naarden surrendered to the Spaniards. They greeted the victorious soldiers with tables set with feasts. The soldiers ate, drank, then killed every person in the town.  -- from Wiki

At this point, American culture and its acceptance of widespread sexual immorality and abortion is an insult to human dignity and propriety.  How will the Creator respond?  Could CM be the hammer He uses to punish evil?  One hopes not....

It is a clash of worldviews – one enduring, one of the devil.  Things continue to unravel.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. -- Jesus (John 8:44)