But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be King over them – bring them here and slaughter them in front of me. - a parable of Jesus (Lk 19:27)
Who has saved us and called us to a
holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. - Paul (2Ti 1:9)
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites.
By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. - Paul (Ro 16:18)
This site is authored by
Hadley Robinson, B.A. M.Div.
Princeton Theological Seminary
Trinity International
3rd century catholic Christian,
Saved by Christ 51 years
Married 50 years to Marilyn
Comments? Questions? Email:

"Love Him, study His Word, and follow His ways." – Anon.
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. - Jesus (Lk 5:32)
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day
according to the Scriptures. - Paul (1Cor 15:2-4)
I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds. - Paul (Acts 26:20)
Careless Teachers & Loose Doctrine
Lack of scholarship, accountability, and faithfulness to the Scriptures characterizes too much teaching in the Protestant Evangelical church.
"For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you." Ro 2:24
"I wrote for them the many things of my law, but they regarded them as something alien." Hosea 8:12
"A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." Gal. 5:9
"Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that." Mk 7:13
"Speaking truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Bible Study Fellowship – Scripture according to the woman who founded BSF. Isn't this out of order?
Bill Bright – developer of the Burger King gospel, "Have it your way." Is
The Four Spiritual Laws
Billy Graham -- on abortion. The world loved him.
- Bruce Wilkinson author of The Prayer of Jabez - an exegetical fraud that enriched him and his publisher,
- Charles Stanley – Did he really love his wife as Christ loved the Church? According to Anna Stanley, he did not. In
any other time in Christian history Mr. Stanley would have been forced to resign.
David Hocking - Church leadership being above reproach (1Tim 3:2) apparently has nothing to do with being an
- Doug Phillips – Another tragedy in the Church. What is there to learn from this one?
Jim Dobson – The charismatic master of mixing pagan psychology and the Christian faith. How can he be wrong
about anything?
- Mark Driscoll – An outstanding Bible teacher who enriched himself from the Gospel. Will he repent and give those
millions back?
- N. T. Wright – a brilliant scholar and master of English but does he
believe in the physical return of Jesus Christ?
- Pat Robertson – He issues fatwas so how is he different than an Islamic priest?
- Rick Warren – Finding translations that agree with his opinions and using the Sacred Text in a
reckless fashion.
- Tim Keller – If someone often teaches and writes like Dan Kimball, has he embraced the Emerging Church movement? Is
homosexuality a sin in Mr. Keller's eyes? Who knows...
Book Reviews
The Emerging Church by Dan Kimball - Let's all have more art, music, incense, candles, mood, and experience.
- The Contested Public Square: The Crisis of Christianity
and Politics by Greg Forster - Deism is the functional worldview of most Christians these days. Here's an example.
- Radical by David Platt - Another pop-theology book mass-marketing the gospel – but with a socialist slant. Why is it that
so many in church leadership want to be popular with the Marxist/Socialists?
- Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas- a better title would be Mostly Sacred Marriage. How does marriage become
"un-sacred" as it has with most in the Church?
Misuse of Scripture
Under construction: 1Cor 7; Mt 5; 1Thess. 4:11-12)
- The Apostle's Creed – A new American English translation by Hadley Robinson
39 Articles of Religion 1571 A.D. of the Anglican Church
Baptist Confession of Faith, London, 1689 A.D. – one of the best ever written..
- The Didache 150 A.D. – The earliest post New Testament church manual. What was important to the Church? It's here....
- The
Nicene Creed – a touchstone of the Christian faith. Those who say "no" to the Trinity are not Christian.
Westminster Confession – Many Protestant confessions borrowed the concise, accurate, and elegant language of this confession. However, chap XXIV is a sop to those who wish to commit
Theology – others
- Adultery So you want to have an Affair? A striking analysis in a cartoon by Lynda Barry (from Esquire Magazine August
- The
Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) statement regarding the recent Court ruling on homosexual "marriage".
- Book of Common Prayer
1662 A.D. This version is free of most Humanist doctrine, especially feminism.
- Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics – evangelicals must have a coherent
hermeneutic of the Sacred Text. It has been abandoned these days..
- Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy and Exposition – a redefinition of inerrancy in a time of increasing
subjectivism among evangelicals
- The Church a Prostitute? – An engaging essay by David Ryser
- Concentration Camps – Buchenwald and Dachau get facelifts. By
Cal Brown
- Demonized government – R.C. Sproul
- Divorce and Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper. Piper is one of a handful of
modern theologians who is faithful to Jesus' words concerning divorce.
- Epitaph of Anna Cecilia Rhodes 1796 from George Whitefield's Chapel, London. Smallpox was a terrible scourge during the 1700's.
- Epitaph of J.K.P. Record tragedy during the Civil War.
- Franz Kaufmann (1886-1944) German Jew and convert to the Way during the Nazi era. He used his influence and position in government to save
countless Jews from death and was himself murdered by the Nazis for being merciful in Christ's Name. The world hated him ...how blessed he was.
- Isaiah Berlin – A Message to the 21st Century "There are men who will kill and maim with a tranquil
conscience under the influence of the words and writings of some of those who are certain that they know perfection can be reached."
- Mathew Henry – the Reformed Christian equivalent of William Shakespeare. It
is difficult to read Henry and not think of one's own
words as mere grunts and noises. Here is the beginning of a collection of quotes from his massive commentary on the Bible.
- Hell and the Love of God – by Matt Kennedy. Hell must be the unspeakable eternal horror that it is.
- Charles
Hodge's Letter to Pope Pius IX A.D. 1869 refusing to attend the First Vatican Council. His letter clearly states
the 4 reasons why no true Christian can have fellowship with the Church of Rome.
- Homoheresy in the Roman Catholic Church by Fr. Dariusz Oko, Ph.D. It appears that many branches have been taken over by the homosexuals,
especially by the American Jesuits.
- Humane Vitae by Pope Paul VI – one of finest statements on human life and, in particular,
human sexuality ever made.
- The Incarnation by St. Athanasius A.D. 400. Introduction by C. S. Lewis. He defended orthodoxy when most of the Church embraced heresy. Notes by Hadley Robinson are
- McDougall, John J. – Sheriff of Lee County Florida 1989-2000 He was a staunch
defender of the U.S. Constitution and warned over 20 years ago of its destruction by the Supreme Court, the members of which were, at the
time, mostly political hacks appointed by feckless and careless Presidents, both Republican and Democrat. Ronald Reagan led the pack
when he appointed his California buddy, Anthony Kennedy. It was he that led the charge to destroy our Constitutional Republic from
- Moral Decay in U.S. Society - by J. Vernon McGee
- Mysticism by Gary Gilley – A discussion of the central foundation of modern evangelicalism: The undermining of Scripture.
- The Old Cross & the New – reflections on the demise of evangelicalism in the west by A. W. Tozer
- Raising a godly family by Brad Bigney – Does Proverbs 22:6 guarantee us a godly child if we raise him properly? In a
live sermon, pastor Bigney discusses this mistranslated and misused verse that produces devastating, needless guilt.
- Repentance by Dean Robinson – A largely unknown and offensive Biblical doctrine in the Evangelical church of today.
- Paul Schneider (1897-1939) German pastor & martyr during the Nazi era – An example of a giant in the faith and a loving
shepherd who would have nothing to do with Hitler's evil plans for the Church. His gentle life was much like Stephen's (Acts 6-7) and Perpetua's, the 4th century A.D. Carthaginian martyr.
Only ten percent of German pastors during the Third Reich did what was right in God's eyes. Whatever happened to the LORD's words, "All men will hate you because of me" – Lk 21:17?

Theology – Hadley Robinson
- The 2012 National Election – A watershed event in American history, a triumph of evil and a transformation of much of our government
into a criminal gang.
- The 2016 National Election – We can only thank our God that Josef Stalin (a.k.a. Mrs. Clinton) is not President. Will the widespread ransacking of the culture end? Anti-Christian
bigotry recede? But a man, like Mr. Trump, who has had so many wives has something wrong with him. Adultery is as much American as football games but God hates adultery and divorce.
- The
2nd Amendment to the U. S. Constitution – How does this square with Romans 13 and other passages of the Bible which insist that all
government is instituted by God and must, therefore, be obeyed? Bad government has always been God's answer to bad people.
- The
2nd Commandment – What does it mean today?
Abortion – Some comments by others, including Sachi Parker. Abortion is the legalized savagery promoted by a brutal, barbaric, and godless culture that embraces every sort of evil.
And the innocent pay...and pay...and pay.
- Adulterous marriage – Twenty five Church Fathers and two Church
Councils confirmed what the Scriptures teach: All remarriage after so-called divorce is adulterous. See also
Second Marriages.
- America – Download this PowerPoint presentation which demonstrates how we are headed towards political and economic ruin, similar to what happened in Argentina
and is now happening in various European countries.
- Anglican Primates take a step backwards – see Antinomianism Part II below.
- Antinomianism – Jesus' obedience and sufferings satisfied the demands of the Law. Are we now free from the need to observe it?
- Antinomianism Part II – The 2016 communiqué by the Anglican Primates that further rips apart the connection between faith and obedience.
- Antichrists – We know something about the Antichrist but what about the antichrists mentioned in 1 & 2 John?
- The Apostolic Church Fathers – They were simple Christian men who had a pure faith uncluttered with irrelevant details. Their writings are
an important test of today's popular and trivialized religion commonly found in the American Protestant and Roman Catholic churches.
- Arminianism – see Semi-Pelagianism below
- Attitude – Why does the Apostle say, "Rejoice in the LORD"?
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer – A great Christian man of his time but did he understand Romans 13 & Daniel 4? Why did he take matters into his own hands?
He was not a martyr as so many claim.
- Busy Bodies in the Church
– "Guilt, guilt, guilt!" "Save the world from this – from that!" "Their blood is on your heads if you don’t get busy!"
- Five Essentials of the Christian Faith
- The Christian Hunter & Fisherman – He does not wantonly destroy anything in God's creation but acts wisely and for a godly purpose.
- Contraception – The Church's seminal decision to become like the heathen she lives among and agree with the West's penchant for humanism and narcissism.
- Bad Culture – Why huge swaths of the world are such a mess: sloth, immorality, and dishonesty. It is genetic only in
that all men can be thus but it is strange that some cultures are intractably wicked to great extremes. Captain Royal Macklin sums up his observations of Latin America of the late 19th
- Darbyism a.k.a. Dispensationalism – Making non-essentials of the Christian faith essential. Their doctrines on the Second Coming
go beyond presumption. Their claims of being the only ones who take the Bible literally are false.
- Definitions of some common words used in the Bible that the Church should know. Most Christians could not define most of these words accurately.
- Why men are seldom
depressed – some humor but a warning.
- Dispensationalism – see "Darbyism" above
- Dinosaurs - Some thoughts on this paleontological puzzle.
- Divorce - please see "Adulterous marriage" above.
- End Time Predictions - A sure sign of a false prophet.
- Should Fallen Pastors Be Restored? by John Macarthur – Restoration to leadership? To
- Feminism Part I – Women in Combat - Another sacrifice of national security to feminism including more rebellion against the Creator and His
role for women.
- Feminism Part II – Even Feminists do not want to settle for 2nd rate men – but, sadly there are plenty of men around these days who
act like women.
- Freewill so-called – an ancient error that first arose right after the Fall and is still with us today. It is largely taught by men whose primary
motive is to promote and enrich themselves, the hallmark of American Evangelicals.
- Halal chicken at Costco. Is it idolatry to eat it? Do we panic?
- He/she is another tool of the hypocritical Femnists to force
Cultural Marxism on all Americans
- Homosexuality – A worldwide plague of evil. When cultures exhaust themselves with selfish pursuits, abandon the Creator, and are on the verge
of destruction, they plunge into this perversion. Homosexual activists are America's
Red Guards and Nazi
- Hospital for Sinners – Is the Church a nursery for babies? A training camp? A sheep ranch? A place to make unrepentant sinners feel good?
- IS attack on France
- Gospel Ministries to Children – One of the few Evangelical Protestant organizations that teaches a Biblical Gospel: All men are sinners, must
repent, and believe in the risen Christ.

Muslim hero and terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who
attempted to blow up a plane full of innocent people minding their own business.
- Islam - A terrorist organization masquerading as a religion. Modern Islam, Communism, and Nazism mirror each other in their levels of violence against the
innocent. CAIR, the beachhead for Islamic jihad in the United States, exploits Islam's minority status and people's general ignorance and
fear. Our feminized and morally decadent culture has permitted these monotheistic heathen to actively plot our destruction. Is it the Creator's Judgment on the apostasy,
idolatry, and immorality of the West? Is Islam the modern equivalent of the ancient Chaldeans and Assyrians? It seems so...
- Jephthah - a brave and pious hero, not a worshipper of Molech nor one who murdered his daughter in a human sacrifice offered to the LORD.
- What is a Jew? – The Scriptures discuss who is a Jew? However, it is unclear of whom most evangelicals are speaking when they say, "He is a
- Good Church Leadership – It is so important for God's people to exercise the utmost care in choosing who leads their local church.
- The love of God – A key aspect of evangelical mass-marketing of the Gospel is the distortion and misinterpretation of God's love
for men.
- The
Lutheran Missouri Synod – It is an orthodox Christian body but why the shrill language and endless attacks embodied in
their statement of faith? How does this further peace among the churches? What about 1Cor 13:1?
- The Biblical Institution of
Marriage – The church culture is as confused and misguided concerning what marriage is as is the culture in general. We should not
pay much attention to either.
- Four Essentials of Marriage – without them, there is no marriage.
- The Marriage ceremony in modern American English – translated by Hadley Robinson from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer with an introduction.
- Second Marriages – Sound Biblical advice for Christians who find themselves in what are nearly always adulterous relationships.
- The New Perspective – The new heresy from Modernists who call themselves Evangelicals. Brilliant and engaging
sophistry and unsound scholarship can make the Bible say anything you like.
- Parables – Why did Jesus speak in parables? Why did He often conceal His identity? Evangelical Christians, especially humanists and
Semi-Pelagians, are perplexed by this.
- Post-liberal theology – Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright gives a good example in a recent lecture. Why all the interest in what the
heathen chase after? You cannot fix the world without men being converted. However, you can do good just where you are -- Jesus did this.
- The Progressive Left – Its aggressive quest for absolute power spans at least a century in the U.S. and is not just
limited to the Democrat Party but to all major economic, political, and cultural institutions.
- Heathen Psychology in the Church – Here is a typical example of the impossible mix of godless social science and the Christian
faith in an essay by Bruce Atkinson.
- The Reformation – Spoiled in too many ways by hubris, humanism, and disorder. Rebellion trumped submission. "We do not fight against flesh and blood...."
- Samson – Are there consequences for sin in this life? The answer is "no" if one is like most Evangelicals. The Bible does not teach this.
The Fall of Constantinople to the Muslim
Turks in A.D. 1453 – the judgment of a disobedient church and an evil culture. It will happen here in the U.S. But how? When? We will find out soon enough.
- Semi-Pelagianism/Arminianism – Elevating Man and his achievements. Is it true that God appreciates our efforts to cooperate
with the salvation He offers through Christ? Who gets the glory?
- Semi-Pelagianism/Arminianism II – Edmond Trinity Christian Church in Edmond, OK tells the truth about
American Evangelicals on their storefront sign.
- The tenth or tithe – Jesus and Paul taught generosity from the heart for New Testament Christians, not some formula. Formulas are the domain of
the formalist and the hypocrite.
- True Shepherds – We live in a time, sadly, when most shepherds are wolves who feed off the flock and then scatter them. This should not be.
- Universalism – Can those who have not heard the Gospel be saved?
- Walk to Emmaus – The walk to Christian existentialism. It's not about truth, but how I feel. This Methodist program is a supreme example of
religion that is but form and without substance. These people do not even think Jesus Christ rose physically from the dead. What are true Christians doing attending such a thing?
- The U.S. – Mexico wall – President Trump began to halt the lawless invasion from Mexico. Why is this necessary in the first
place? Look to the overturning of our Constitution by the Progressive Left.
- What is a Woman?
– Generally, most in the churches rely on our heathen culture for answering this vitally important question.
- What is a Woman Part II – Feminists and homosexuals are everywhere, including Bible translation committees. We see
their fruit in the newer translations where they call a spouse, "partner". The Hebrew text does not support this.
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.